Book reviews

Follow Me (Social Media Murders 1) by Angela Clarke

Follow Me (Social Media Murders, #1)Follow Me by Angela Clarke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I picked this up after I saw it was nominated for the Dead Good Reader Awards’ “Papercut Award for Best Page Turner” – and they were not wrong!

I must admit it took me a few chapters to get into it, and to get on with Freddie, the lead character, but soon it clicked and by the middle I could barely put it down. I grew to love Freddie – she’s really vibrant and not a little mouthy! I loved the internet slang/acronyms at the head of every chapter.

I did manage to work out whodunit, but not why, and only right near the very end so it did not stop me enjoying the ride. It was an exciting ending and I was pleased to see there was a follow up book coming soon.

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